Renee Dodge

Artist + Renee Dodge

I love New Orleans.  I may not be native, but I like to think I am "local" and that drives me to create art reflective of my love for this frustratingly glorious home I adore.

My signature Louisiana Live Oak collection was born in the days that followed the Federal Levee Disaster of 2005, known to the rest of the world as Katrina. Creating art for the sake of beauty alone was no longer enough, meaning was now necessary.  Live oaks are gorgeous, but they are also strong and resilient, making them a perfect metaphor -- both then and now.

Do you have a favorite Live Oak tree? Think about commissioning a piece of jewelry that will keep it always close to your heart.


Meet the Artists

Local art is the lifeblood of our culture and communities. We source work from hundreds of painters, muralists, sculptors, metal workers, printmakers, illustrators, photographers, and textile artists, every one of whom is part of your local community.

Skeleton Chrono Necklace
Forrest Bacigalupi Arts Kinetic
Forrest Bacigalupi
Crescent City Fluidity Necklace
Brandi Couvillion Fashion / Jewelry
Brandi Couvillion